Professor, Emerson College, Department of Journalism
Discovering Journalism, JR 101, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
Introductory journalism course examining the evolution of journalism in the U.S. through analysis of print, broadcast, and online news. This course considers the role of journalism as a public service in a democratic society.
Enrollment: 35
Ethics for Journalists, JR 251, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Winter 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2021
Journalism course exploring the foundations and theories of ethical thinking. This course focuses on the ethical issues confronting contemporary journalists through analysis of notable case studies.
Enrollment: 20-30
Global Journalism, JR 260, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
Mid-upper level course providing students with the appropriate skills and analytical tools to critically engage topics related to global journalism and to prepare students for working/reporting internationally. Course topics include covering conflict and war, positionality and reflexivity, in-depth interviewing, and the ethical considerations of global journalism.
Enrollment: 17
Instructor of Record
Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
International Mass Communications, COMM 410, Fall 2018
Upper-level international communications course focusing on political economy, U.S. foreign policy, war and media, global advertising and consumer culture, global health communication, and global music, television, and film industries.
Enrollment: 50
Instructor of Record
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
International Mass Communications, COMM 410, Summers 2017, 2018, Online course
Independent teaching of COMM 410 online course: Upper-level international communications course focusing on political economy, U.S. foreign policy, war and media, global advertising and consumer culture, global health communication, and global music, television, and film industries.
Enrollment: 32 - 40
Instructor of Record
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
World Media Systems, COMM 419, Fall 2015; Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Course development and independent teaching of COMM 419: Upper-level comparative international communications course focusing on global media structures, including globalization, media regulation, financing, flow, accessibility, global news reporting, and media imperialism.
Enrollment: 30-50
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Embedded Travel Program
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
World Media Systems Honors, COMM 419H, Spring 2016
Served as graduate assistant for embedded travel program to the Czech Republic. Duties included supervision of undergraduate students and providing support to students while traveling.
Enrollment: 15
Graduate Teaching Assistant
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
The Mass Media and Society, COMM 100, Spring 2016
Teaching Assistant to Professor Michelle Rodino-Colocino. COMM 100: Introductory communication course focusing on social influences, including economics, politics, technology, law and culture that shape media messages.
Enrollment: 300
Graduate Teaching Assistant
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
The Art of Cinema, COMM 150, Spring 2015
Teaching Assistant to Professor Kevin Hagopian. COMM 150: Introductory cinema studies course focusing on the emergence of cinema as an institution, global dominance of Hollywood, American film industry organization, including production, distribution, exhibition, vertical integration, the studio system.
Enrollment: 300
Graduate Teaching Assistant
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
The Mass Media and Society, COMM 100, Fall 2014
Teaching Assistant to Professor Matt McAllister. COMM 100: Introductory communication course focusing on social influences, including economics, politics, technology, law and culture that shape media messages.
Enrollment: 300
Guest Lectures
Master’s Proseminar in Mass Communications, COMM 515, 2018
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
World Media System, COMM 419, 2015
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
Gender, Diversity and the Media, COMM 205, 2015
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
Political Economy of Communications, COMM 405, 2015
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
Cultural Aspects of the Mass Media, COMM 411, 2015
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
International Media Communications, COMM 410, 2015
College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University
Advertising Research and Planning: A Case Study Approach, COM 509, 2014
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University
Media and Diversity, COM 344 Beauty Ideals, 2014
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University
Media and Diversity, COM 344 Beauty Ideals, 2013
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University